965 53 14 44 - C/ San Gil, 2 - 03841 Alcocer de Planes ayuntalcocer@gmail.com



Cultural Heritage


The Municipal Term of Alcocer de Planes, (Alcocer), is in the central part of the COMSAT region, north of the Province of Alicante. The Serpis River divides in two the term, being the reduced urban helmet in the center of the same one, to an altitude of 351 meters on the level of the sea.

The surface of the Municipal Term is 445,546 hectares, of which 33,15 are flooded by the reservoir.

Linda to the North with the Term of Gayanes, to the South with the one of Benimarfull, to the east with the one of Planes and to the West with the one of Muro of the Alcoy.

Within the climate that characterizes to the Valencian Community the region on which Alcocer is situated presents / displays differential characteristics by the good position to receive as much the storms that come from the Gulf of Leon as those that penetrate by Gibraltar. The rainfall is relatively high especially in the months of October-November, usually snowing one day a year.

The regime of temperatures casts mild summers in rigorous winters, prolonging until April, even May, the risks of frost.

Active Tourism


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